Minka Ledger Docs
How To Guides

How to display differences between a layout and a ledger

CLI allows users to check differences between the active ledger and a selected layout.

Displaying differences using CLI

Bellow is an example of how to find changes between the active ledger and a selected layout using the Minka CLI.

Ensure that you are connected to a server and have an active ledger set in the context before proceeding.

$ minka layout diff
? Select layout: Cross Ledger Payments
     data: {
       handle: "p2p"
       schema: {
         properties: {           
           custom: {             
             properties: {       
               description: {    
                 type: "string"
             required: [         
             type: "object"
         required: [             

Changes marked with red are present in ledger but not in the layout.

On the other hand, changes marked with green are present in layout but not in ledger

$ minka layout diff
? Select layout: Cross Ledger Payments
     data: {
       handle: "p2p"
       schema: {
         properties: {             
           custom: {               
             properties: {         
               description: {      
                 type: "string"
             required: [           
             type: "object"
         required: [               
     data: {
       handle: "default"
       values: [
         ... (3 entries)
           action: "spend"
           action: "any"

Use the option --select to filter the record types you want to see

$ minka layout diff --select=policy
? Select layout: Cross Ledger Payments
     data: {
       handle: "default"
       values: [
         ... (3 entries)
           action: "spend"
           action: "any"

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