Minka Ledger Docs
How To Guides

How to set custom data to Ledger records

Each ledger record supports attaching custom data through the custom property. This property can contain any key/value pairs that represent valid JSON. When making api requests using the SDK those fields can be added when constructing an object, for example when creating a wallet through nodeJS:

import { LedgerSdk } from '@minka/ledger-sdk'
const sdk = new LedgerSdk({
  server: '<your ledger URL>',
	signer: {
		format: 'ed25519-raw',
		public: '<ledger public key>'
const { wallet } = await sdk.wallet.init()
    handle: 'test-wallet',
    custom: {
      stringProperty: 'some string value',
      numberProperty: 134.2,
      booleanProperty: false,
  .sign([{ keyPair: yourKeyPair }])

Custom data can be also added interactively through CLI:

$ minka wallet create
? Handle: test-wallet
? Bridge: [none]
? Add custom data? Yes
? Field class: string
? Field title: stringProperty
? Field value: some string value
? Add another field? Yes
? Field class: number
? Field title: numberProperty
? Field value: 134.2
? Add another field? Yes
? Field class: boolean
? Field title: booleanProperty
? Field value: false
? Add another field? No
? Add routes? No
? Signer: treasury
✅ Wallet created successfully:
Handle: test-wallet
Signer: MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAqySfsabYtxyEwAYtJQRv0NyRkfjC65hmZ9ZwnCmsso4= (treasury)
 - stringProperty: some string value
 - numberProperty: 134.2
 - booleanProperty: true